7 Quotes & Sayings By Shilpa Sandesh

Shilpa Sandesh is the bestselling author of the "New York Times" Bestseller, "The Secret". She is also an Emmy award winner for her work on the popular television series, The Oprah Winfrey Show. Her second book, "The Power", has been listed in the top 100 in New York Times "Books of the Year." Her third book, "The Art of Happiness", sold over one million in its first month in India.

I can be patient, but I am not God! Don't take me for granted, or you will spend your life gathering my scattered self! Shilpa Sandesh
Poetry is not a mere expression of a poet's self, but an enchantment, a spell of the muse, the inspiration. Poetry is thus magic and magic is poetry. Shilpa Sandesh
Relationships are blessings, but they need the manure of love, respect and devotion. A little more would raise expectations and a little less would bring remorse. Shilpa Sandesh
Thoughts are meant to be words and words are meant to be written and what is written becomes a figment of the literature Shilpa Sandesh
Let the mind contemplate, let the pen scribble, the oeuvre would be eccentric, peculiar to a reader's eye. Shilpa Sandesh
Literature is like a subtle concoction of laboriously collected peripherals called words, intellect, thoughts, imagination, creativity and aestheticism brewed together to form a resplendent work of art. Shilpa Sandesh